Data Science II
As we move into the twenty-first century, the need for workers with advanced understanding, experience, and communication in data science is vital. In the second course of data science, you will acquire many relevant data science skills by creating an elaborate data story. Through this process you will learn to create and interpret advanced visualizations as well as understand the importance of color schemas and develop the ability to recognize misleading graphics. This course will also provide you with the basics of database management skills, more specifically, the capacity to join, concatenate, and query data established on SQL functions that were developed in R. You will also have the opportunity to create many R-Shinys (an interactive web application within R) to tell a story by constructing various dynamic visualizations that are controlled by widgets and toggles. The ability to inform an audience the ins and outs of a dataset through tables and visualizations in a story-like manner is an invaluable skill regardless of anticipated major or discipline. This ability will allow you to explain your completed work in this course as well as future projects in an eloquent but straight-forward way on college applications and to future employers.
What will be covered?
- Manipulation - SQL within R functionalities
- Develop R-Shiny (Web Applications)
- Story Telling with Visualizations and more variables
Program Design: Students must have taken Data Science I before progressing to Data Science II.
Data Science I is the corner stone of the Data Science Academy program because it gives students the ability to not only acquire the basics within R and R Studio, but also have the skills to advance to the subsequent courses in the program. Student will be able to see more connections to the real world through the lens of data science and statistics skills."
Earning Criteria
- Complete Data Science II.
- Attend at least 3 workshops.
LaMar N Davis
Senior Director, Institute of Extended Learning
Division of Professional Studies
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 463
+1 410 455 2875