Entrepreneurship: Financial Literacy

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Entrepreneurship: Financial Literacy

This financial literacy class focused on personal finance and entrepreneurship. This class will examine the basics of financial literacy and each student will create their own personal budget, a critical skill for teens earning their first paychecks. They will also get to learn about entrepreneurship as they create and present their own business plans. Students taking this course will further their knowledge of financial literacy, explore and grow their mathematical and critical-thinking skills, while having fun. Students enrolled in this class will leave with valuable skills they'll directly be able to apply to their lives.

Earning Criteria

- Complete Entrepreneurship: Financial Literacy.
- Attend at least 3 workshops.
LaMar N Davis

LaMar N Davis

Senior Director, Institute of Extended Learning

Division of Professional Studies

Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 463


+1 410 455 2875