Grassroots Advocacy

Badge image for Grassroots Advocacy

Grassroots Advocacy

Empower yourself to become a catalyst for change within your community through the Grassroots Advocacy microcredential. Earners will delve into the fundamental principles of grassroots community advocacy at the local level, equipping them with the knowledge and strategies to make a meaningful impact.

This journey allows earners to uncover the intricacies of county and city government functions, learn to mobilize around issues of concern, and master the art of influencing local elected officials and key influencers. Gain the skills needed to create positive change by amplifying under-represented voices, developing strategic grassroots initiatives, and fostering greater consensus through facilitation.

The Grassroots Advocacy microcredential recognizes the earner's ability to navigate power structures, drive community engagement, and craft effective action plans. Earners are immersed in a transformative learning experience that empowers them to be an agent of positive change, contributing to a stronger, more vibrant community.

Earning Criteria

- Complete the skills course and its component requirements
- Submit all project deliverables
- Participated in at least 80% of all course activities

Additional Details

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply knowledge of local government structures and functions to develop effective grassroots advocacy strategies.
2. Utilize organizational techniques to mobilize community members around issues of concern or opportunity.
3. Create comprehensive Community Action Plans that outline clear and actionable steps for advocating for local change.
4. Analyze power structures within local government, identifying key influencers and decision-makers.
5. Evaluate the potential impact of grassroots advocacy efforts on local policies and community dynamics.
6. Critically assess the effectiveness of different advocacy methods and communication strategies in influencing local elected officials and stakeholders.

Time to Earn

This badge is connected with a learning experience equivalent with 1 graduate level credit. Typically, the badge is earned across 5 weekly meetings of 2.5hrs (12.5 hrs instruction time and 25-30 hrs of independent preparation and project time time)
Sally Scott

Sally Scott

Graduate Program Director

Community Leadership
Shriver Center

Public Policy 109